Home » EUC » VMware Announces New DaaS Offering: Is DaaS the VDI Market Inflection Point?

VMware Announces New DaaS Offering: Is DaaS the VDI Market Inflection Point?

In my February post, “What does the AirWatch and Desktone Acquisition Mean for the VDI Market (and VMware)?“, I talked about two VMware acquisitions in the End User Computing Space (AirWatch and Desktone) and what they foretold in terms of evolution of the VDI market and VMware strategy.

More news on this front last week.  On March 10th, VMware announced a new Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) offering, leveraging Desktone with its vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS).   The VDI market has been around for a while and shown some growth, but not hit its inflection point of dramatic growth.  Is DaaS what really takes this market to the inflection point?

A friend of mine with a leading Cloud Integrator told me a few years ago that, since moving an existing application to a Cloud environment was often a messy process, his company found it was a better strategy for many customers to gain their experience by putting new applications in the Cloud. One of the best examples he had seen was standing up cloud environments to support new VDI infrastructure.  Since the customer had to create new infrastructure to get the benefits of virtual desktops, why not build in the cloud from the beginning?  It was a strategy that helped his company gain early wins in the market and the experience to become a market leader.

This is a new area and there are key questions on the business side and also the technology side.  I would love to hear your thoughts on the questions :

  • Is DaaS what is needed to take the EUC/VDI market to the inflection point – why/why not?
  • How does the VMware DaaS offering in vCHS compare to the Service offerings from AWS and others?

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