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Monthly Archives: January 2014

Is Your Organization Missing Revenue by Marketing and Selling Inside the “Product Box” (Part 3 of 5)


Are You Executing “Outside of the Box” with Your Alliances and Channels – The Checklist (Part 2 of 5)


Why do Companies Struggle to Build the Alliance GTM Bridge? The “Four Boxes” (Part 1 of 5)

  • Part 1: The Four Boxes
  • Part 2: Are You “Executing Out of the Box”?  A Checklist
  • Part 3: The Product Box
  • Part 4: The Ownership and Task Boxes
  • Part 5: The Solution-Branding Box

Part 1: The Four Boxes

In a recent blog I talked about how to “Build a Bridge” to connect you and your alliances to your target market.  I call this Bridge an Alliance-to-Market (ATM) Program, and it is pictured below in Figure 1.  It looks pretty easy doesn’t it?  Four simple steps and voila, revenue comes shooting out of your sales channels!  But that does not match the experience that most of us have had in the industry.

Figure 1: Building a Bridge

The ATM Challenge (bridge)


Building a Bridge to Drive Revenue From Your Alliances and Channels (Part 2 of 2)
