Home » Why Do Companies Struggle to Drive Revenue from their Alliances and Channels?

Why Do Companies Struggle to Drive Revenue from their Alliances and Channels?

Why Do Companies Struggle to Drive Revenue from their Alliances and Channels? Understanding the “Four Boxes”

We all want to drive revenue from our alliances and channels, but sometimes that goal gets lost in the shuffle as we try to navigate the challenges associated with developing and delivering a Go-to-Market (GTM) program and measuring the impact on revenue. I discussed this topic in a recent post and this challenge is depicted visually in Figure 1 – “Why is it challenging to drive revenue from alliances and channels?

Figure 1:

The ATM Challenge (no bridge)


What Are the Root Causes We Need to Address?

I recently completed a 5-Part Series of posts, “Why Companies Struggle to Build the Alliance GTM Bridge: The “Four Boxes”. The Four Boxes are described below and covered in more detail in a recent post.  If you missed it, or want to reread the whole series, check out the posts below:

Related Posts

Interested in seeing how you companies have addressed these problems – and accelerated their revenue?  Check out “Building an Alliance GTM Bridge” to Reach Your Target Customers.



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