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Monthly Archives: August 2014

VMworld 2014 Recap: One-Stop Summary and Links

In my post earlier this week, What’s Up at VMworld 2014? Top 10 List from Day 1 Keynote, I listed 10 themes from VMworld David Letterman-style.  In today’s post I will sort through the announcements from VMworld, summarize the important themes and provide links to press releases, articles etc… that provide more detail and context – it’s a great way to catch up on 5 days of information!

The General Sessions are recorded and are available for reply– highly recommended!


What’s Up at VMworld? The Top 10 List from Day 1 Keynote

Monday, August 26th was Day One of VMworld and in this post, I will reflect on what happened, and what did not happen. In my observation, VMworld is unique in the tech world in that there are actually things announced that can represent a fork in the road for the tech industry. It’s not Apple announcing the first iPhone but hey, it about as “sexy” as data center infrastructure gets…

So what was announced at VMworld so far? It definitely depends on your perspective what makes news, but below are the things VMware appeared to be focusing on. I will do the list like David Letterman’s Top 10 List (just imagine we are living in the days when he was still popular…)

#10     The Power of AND (rather than OR) (more…)

3 Steps to Monetize Your Alliances: Step 3 – Choose the Right Business Model to Drive Revenue Impact

Part of a Series: Are Your Alliances Missing the Money?

In the past few weeks, I’ve been talking about how companies can drive revenue from their strategic alliances and answering the question, Are your alliances missing the money? Below are 3 steps that companies can take to drive revenue.  In talking to companies over the years, I’ve found that many (most?) companies are not able to measure revenue impact from most of their alliances. In today’s high tech industry, if you can’t measure it, it does not exist – and the resources to execute will also not exist…

Figure 1 below depicts this challenge visually. As discussed in Step 1: Building the Bridge, you need to have a complete set of programs to get to the customer – AND you need to have a closed loop feedback mechanism to measure your success (in terms of pipeline and revenue).

Figure 1: Measuring Alliance Impact – Across the ATM Bridge

Measuring Alliance Impact (bridge)


3 Steps to Monetize Your Alliances: Step 2 – Set up your Organization to both “Hunt” and “Farm”

Part of a Series: Are Your Alliances Missing the Money?

In my most recent post I talked about the barriers that companies face as they try to monetize their alliances. I defined 3 Steps to Monetize these alliances and focused on Step 1: Build a Bridge between you and your alliance partners’ customers”. In this week’s post, I will focus on how to execute Step 2: Set up your Alliance and Bus Dev organizations to both “hunt” and “farm”.

“Hunting” and “Farming” are common analogies in the tech industry (particularly in the US) to describe different types of sales roles, and they apply to tech industry alliances roles as well. In the tech industry: (more…)