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Monthly Archives: March 2015

2 Alignment Problems that Destroy the “GTM Bridge” (and limit Revenue)

The challenge appears quite simple – How can a Tech organization set up and run their organization so that they drive revenue from their products and partnerships?  But think about your experiences with partnerships – like Bus Dev agreements, with Alliances, and with Indirect Channels (such as resellers and integrators), and I bet you can think of more examples of performance issues than of realized potential.  As I’ve talked about in many of my posts, many Tech vendors are set up to market and sell as if they were a direct sales organization – although many, even most, are heavily reliant on their partners to drive revenue.

The root cause seems to be “boxed” strategy and execution that results from organizations pursuing approaches that were developed in a different era, but no longer directly apply to today’s complex IT world of architectures, software-defined data centers and Hybrid Clouds. (more…)

Want to Sell Solutions, But at the Velocity of Transactions: Are You Using a “Hook” to Create “Pull”? (Part 1 of a Series)

“Sales Process “is a dirty word to many technology vendors, because they interpret it to mean a slow sales approach that delays the sale of your product, and causes Reps and Sales leaders to miss their number…

As I discussed in my post, “What 3 Questions Indicate Whether You Need to Sell Solutions”, and “Are you Jumping to the Product Sale too Early (and missing revenue…), product selling works best in a few situations early in the sales cycle, and is required late in the sales cycle in nearly all tech business– but in most situations, tech vendors market and sell based on product too early in the sales cycle – causing vendors to miss revenue opportunities.

So what are proven approaches to market and sell in situations where Solutions Selling is required? That is the topic of my post today. (more…)