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Monthly Archives: October 2014

Are the Spokes of Your “GTM Wheel” Aligned to Drive Revenue?

If you’ve been reading this blog throughout 2014 you’ve seen a continued focus on the GTM Bridge that technology vendors need to build to connect their products and their alliances to their customers. The GTM Bridge is shown below in Figure 1 and the last couple of weeks, my posts have focused the second element of the bridge – how to build a “GTM Program Wheel”.

Figure 2 below shows the components of the base layer of the GTM “Onion”, the “GTM Wheel”. In today’s post I’ll be talking about the hub and spokes of the wheel and how you leverage those elements to drive revenue.

Figure 1: Building the GTM Bridge – GTM Program

GTM Bridge - Program


2 Common Mistakes in Defining the “GTM Wheel” that Limit Product and Channel Revenue

Last week I talked about an approach to driving revenue for products and channels in terms of “Three Layers of the GTM Onion” and defined the base layer of the GTM in terms of a GTM Wheel. A wheel is a good analogy for developing a GTM program because there is a center, or hub of the wheel that is the center of rotation for the “spokes “that define the critical elements of the GTM Program.

In today’s post I will talk about this base layer of the “Onion”, the GTM Program Wheel (shown below in Figure 1), and two common mistakes companies make in in defining and executing the “Hub” and the “GTM Wheel” that can lead to missed revenue. (more…)

Is Your Channel Program an “Onion”? Leveraging the “GTM Wheel” to Build a Program that Drives Revenue

In last weeks’ post I talked about 2 Common Gaps in Most Companies’ GTM based on the GTM Bridge shown in Figure 1 below. The first element of the Bridge was Solutions. Today we will look at the second section of the bridge – Channel GTM Programs.

GTM Bridge - Program


Channel Programs are like Ogres – and onions. Of course this is a reference to the movie, “Shrek”, where Shrek is upset that that everyone thinks he is a stupid beast and are not able to look beyond his appearance to understand the sensitive soul inside…

Ogres are like onions

Shrek copyrights owned by Dreamworks Animation


People take one look at me and go “Aargh! Help! Run! A big stupid ugly ogre!” …

They judge me before they even know me. For your information, there’s a lot more to ogres than people think…

Ogres are like Onions. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers… You get it? We both have layers.

The Ogre/Onion analogy is descriptive for channels because what you see depends a lot on your role and how well you understand what it takes to deliver value to customers and channel partners in a channel program. (more…)