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What’s Up at VMworld? The Top 10 List from Day 1 Keynote

Monday, August 26th was Day One of VMworld and in this post, I will reflect on what happened, and what did not happen. In my observation, VMworld is unique in the tech world in that there are actually things announced that can represent a fork in the road for the tech industry. It’s not Apple announcing the first iPhone but hey, it about as “sexy” as data center infrastructure gets…

So what was announced at VMworld so far? It definitely depends on your perspective what makes news, but below are the things VMware appeared to be focusing on. I will do the list like David Letterman’s Top 10 List (just imagine we are living in the days when he was still popular…)

#10     The Power of AND (rather than OR) (more…)

Where Is All This Going? The Data Center Transformation Around VMware/Virtualization (Part 1 of 3)
