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Measuring Alliance Impact: Have You Moved Beyond the Stone Age of Deal Registration? (3 Steps to Monetize Your Alliances Series)

Part of a Series: Are Your Alliances Missing the Money?


In last week’s post, Measuring the Impact from Your Alliances and Solutions, I talked about the options to measure alliance impact and how most alliances end up with a meet in the channel business model. In another recent post, Choose the Right Model for Your Alliance , I talked about when this model makes sense, and when you should look at other models like OEM and Resale.  The challenge with the “meet in the channel” business model is that it is hard to measure since there is not a unique product sku that you can report on in your systems. The key to measuring revenue impact is to tie your alliance solutions to your deal registration system.

Before we talk further about the alliance nuances of deal registration, let’s step back and look at what forces led to the creation of Deal Registration programs, their wide adoption and the value to vendors and their channel partners have evolved. Figure 1 below outlines the drivers and stages of adoption.


Figure 1: The Evolution of Deal Registration

Deal Reg title - Deal Reg Evolution
